Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Welcome to our journey

this blog will be for everyone who has a best friend, family, church family and gets hit with some bad news. Do you do all that you can for that friend? We all know in life there are many associates, but true friendship is a form of love.

My name is Roz E. and in the last few months I have been diagnosis ed with heart and lung disease and the arteries are clogged.  I has been a hard thing to swallow - but this is what this blog is all about....when you need some encouragement - check it out, I hope to tell you of my journey and how my circle works.

My best friend, Fran A. recently went through some things and is now disabled and learning to re adjust her body as needed.  She is a very unique woman, for years she has been encouraging me to eat  right [she is a VEGAN] stop smoking, and keep the stress level down. We travel together and her hobby is cooking.  That's right I eat Vegan for a whole week...I have had so many doctors appointments and she has been to all. I could write her bio, but I will leave that for her.